Category Archives: Poverty and Homelessness

Why we fight for people who are homeless

For over 25 years I’ve been working to help protect homeless children and youth.  I’ve done this through research, writing, public speaking, newspaper articles, working with agencies, and being on both a state and national board of directors of homelessness organizations.    Salem State University printed this article in their alumni magazine about me, and why people like me fight for those who don’t have housing. 

Why We Fight For Those Who Are Homeless

Legal rights of homeless youth

Homeless children and youth often fall between the cracks, especially if they don’t live with parents who will care for them.  Wayne State University Law School put together an extensive volume on the legal rights of homeless people.   I was invited to write the chapter on homeless youth.  I’ve attached the volume for your information.  You will find my article starting on page 456.

WSU – Jrnl of Law & Society 13.2