Publications & Presentations



Vissing, Y.   Sociology of Children and Youth: A rights based approach. In submission.

Vissing, Y.  Mother Muckers: Cleaning up the messes in our life.  In submission.

Hope for Children and Vissing, editors.  The Rights of Unaccompanied Minors: Perspectives and case studies.  Springer. 2020/1.

Vissing, Y, Christopher Hudson and Diane Nilan.  Homelessness: Changing Paradigms.  Routledge. January 2020.

Vissing, Y. and Christopher Moore-Vissing.  Going Gluten Free: A Cooking, Eating and Dining Guide.  NorLights Press. 2015.

Vissing, Y.  Introduction to Sociology.  Bridgepoint Publishing, CA. 2011.

Vissing, Y.  How To Keep Your Children Safe: A Guide for Parents.  University of New England Press. 2007.

Vissing, Y.  Women Without Children; Nurturing Lives.  Rutgers University Press.  2002.

Vissing, Y.  and Sharon Peer.  Finding Information About Children: Using Human and Electronic Resources.  Nova Press.  2001.

Vissing, Y.M.  Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Homeless Children in Small Town America.  University of Kentucky Press. Lexington, KY. 1996.

Published Chapters:

Vissing, Y. Unaccompanied children at the United States-Mexico border.  The Rights of Unaccompanied Minors: Perspectives and case studies. In Hope for Children (ed).  Springer. 2020/1.

Vissing, Y. et al.  A Clinical Sociology Framework to Understanding Challenges of Unaccompanied Youth Around The World. The Rights of Unaccompanied Minors: Perspectives and case studies. In Hope for Children and Vissing (eds).  Springer. 2020/1

Vissing, Y. Children’s Human Rights as a Buffer to Extremism.  This is for the book chapter that we talked about. Human Rights Education Globally. Springer. 2020.

Vissing, Y. Higher Education:  An Exploration of Human Rights Education Phase 2 . Globaalisation, ideology and education reforms. Springer. 2020.

Vissing, Y.  Life, Love and the Belle of Louisville.  In Kimberly Crum’s The Boom Project:  Voices of a generation – Ohio River edition. Butler Books. 2019.

Vissing, Y.  Human Rights Education Embedded Status in Higher Education.  In Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, Joseph Zajda, editor. Springer Academic Publications. 2019/2020.

Vissing, Y. Human Rights Literacy in a Global World.  In Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, Joseph Zajda, editor. Springer Academic Publications. 2018.

Vissing, Y. The Convention on the Rights of the Child and the USA: 25 years later. Ton Liefaard & Julia Sloth-Nielsen (Eds.), The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Taking Stock after 25 Years and Looking Ahead, Leiden: Brill| Nijhoff. 2017.

Vissing, Y.  Changing The Culture of Human Rights Education in  Globalisation, Human Rights Education and Social Justice, edited by Joseph Zajda and Sev Ozdowski. Springer Academic Publishers. 2016.

Vissing, Y.   Advocacy for Children. Sociologists in Action: Sociology, Social Change and Social Justice. Edited by Shelley White, Kathleen Odell Korgen and Jonathan White. Pine Forge Press.2013.

Vissing, Y.  Curfews.  In William Chambliss (ed) Key Issues in Crime and Punishment.  Sage Publications.  2010.

Vissing, Y. Rhetoric of Concern: Child poverty and Homelessness in the USA.  Histoires d’enfant, histoires d’enfance, Stories for children, histories of childhood edited by Rosie Findlay and Sebastian Salbayre. GRAAT (Groupe de Recherches Anglo-Américaines de Tours, EA 2113).  Tours, France.  2007.

Vissing, Y.  Researching Homeless Children.  Research Issues in the Study of Children.  Amy Best, editor.  Sage Publishers.  2007.

Vissing.  Y.  Homelessness is a Problem in Rural Areas.  The Homeless: Opposing Viewpoints.  Greenhaven Press.  2001.

Vissing, Y.  Homelessness in Middle School Students.  Educating Homeless Students: Promising Practices.  James Strong and Evelyn Reed-Victor.  Sage Publishers.  2000.

Vissing, Y.  “Heroic Students” in Cultural Diversity in Education,  Sage, 1998.

Hafferty, F., Y. Vissing.  “Professional Roles and Health Behavior” in David Gochman’s  Professional Behavior in Medicine.  1996.

Vissing, Y.M. and W. Baily. “Parent-to-Child Verbal Aggression” in Dudly Cahn and Sally Lloyd’s  Communication and Family Violence. 1996. Sage Publications.

 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles and Social Media Articles

 Vissing, Y. Barriers in Implementation of Child Human Rights Education.  World Studies in Education. 2019.

Monico, Carmen, Karen Rotabi,Yvonne Vissing, and Justin Lee. Well-being and the Zero-Tolerance Policy: Implications for Immigrant Children and Families. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work. 2019

Vissing, Yvonne. Celebrating Human Rights.

Vissing,  Yvonne.  Why the U.S. should ratify the convention on children’s rights: The Trump administration’s policy on immigrant families makes it clear that the U.S. needs a child rights treaty now more than ever. Public Seminar. June 2018.

Vissing, Yvonne.   Complexity in the Determination of Child Abuse: A Statistical and Rights Based Approach Using Type I and Type II Error. In the Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development. Fall 2018.

Vissing,  Yvonne.  Sexual Debut Education: Cultivating A Healthy Human Rights Approach to Young People’s Sexual Experiences. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth.  Patricia Neff Claster and Sampson Lee Blair, editors.  Emerald Press.

Vissing Yvonne. The Children’s Rights Movement Takes Off: What the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Offers Students.  The Public Seminar.  New School for Social Research.

Vissing, Yvonne.  Seeing Is Believing: The Marchers of #MarchForOurLives.  The Public Seminar.  New School for Social Research.

Vissing, Yvonne, Joann Gu, Andrea Jones, Sue Gabriel.  Preserving Dignity in the Face of Hunger:  A study of food pantry utilization. Humanity and Societey.  Fall. 2017.

Vissing, Yvonne.  Addressing Gluten Freedom in Early Childhood: A human rights approach.  Child Care Exchange.  Jan/Feb. 2017

Vissing, Y.  Rights Education: An exploratory analysis of what students know about their rights.  Education and Society. Vol 32, No. 1: 61-74. 2016.

Vissing, Y. What Google Teaches Us About Child Rights.  Sepecial issue on Social Media and Human Rights, Societies Without Boarders: Human Rights and the Social Sciences.  November 2016.

Vissing, Y.  Comparative Analysis of Human Rights Education Curriculum K-12.  In submission for the journal World Studies in Education. Fall 2016.

Vissing, Y.  2016.  The Zen of Going Gluten Free.  Journal of Gluten Sensitivity. Winter.

Vissing, Y.  2016.  Did You Know? Lack of transparency in foods.  Journal of Gluten Sensitivity.  Summer.

Vissing, Y.  2016. Thoughts About Best Practices in Child Rights Education.   “Investment in the rights of the child”.  United Nations.  “Hope For Children” UNCRC Policy Center.

Vissing, Y.  2016.  Technology and Exploitation in Child Sexual Abuse.  United Nations.  “Hope For Children” UNCRC Policy Center.