Category Archives: Child & Human Rights

Legal rights of homeless youth

Homeless children and youth often fall between the cracks, especially if they don’t live with parents who will care for them.  Wayne State University Law School put together an extensive volume on the legal rights of homeless people.   I was invited to write the chapter on homeless youth.  I’ve attached the volume for your information.  You will find my article starting on page 456.

WSU – Jrnl of Law & Society 13.2

Child Rights Organizations

There are many organizations and individuals working to protect children.  Here are some of my favorites, in case you want to check them out.  Maybe they’ll become some of your favorites too!  shutterstock_216991285

Children’s Defense Fund

First Focus                       

Child Rights Campaign  


Child Rights in the USA

Child rights are seen to be the most fundamental of all human rights around the world.  All of the United Nations members countries have signed and ratified the child rights treaty, the CRC, except for the USA.  This is perplexing.   Check out my Scholars Strategy Network article on it